Transitioning Hair vs. Natural Hair

Hi guys,
As I looked through my photos for blog posts, I noticed the difference in my transitioning hair vs being all natural.  In the picture on the left heat was used, but the picture on the right is the complete opposite.  Did this happen overnight?  Absolutely NOT!!  It took a lot of TLC and patience, more of the latter.  Some people say natural hair is more work, but hair is work period!

When my hair was being relaxed, I still had to do hot oil treatments, deep condition, mayonnaise treatments, and hair masks to keep her healthy.  Yes, the relaxers kills hair upon impact, but it is possible to have healthy relaxed hair. Genetics play a big part in the whole process, but I’m a firm believer that anything can be trained with education, dedication, and determination.
The same goes for natural hair, except there’s a few exceptions.  For example, naturalistas use less shampoo and more conditioner, can’t live without water, and use less heat to name a few.  But, we still have to do the aforementioned treatments to keep our natural mane healthy as well.  One can skip any of the above steps natural or relaxed, but it you don’t start and stick with a hair regimen, you’ll never see your hair’s full potential.
All in All…I’ll take my natural hair over relaxed hair anyday!  It’s fuller, longer, but most importantly it’s healthier!  I’m off the creamy crack and I’m not going back!!  What’s your take on the topic?
Stay tuned curlies…..Shauntay


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