Shower Head Filter for Hard Water

Hi Curlies,
Since my move, I’ve noticed the hard water problem in my area, and had to make some changes. When I first returned my hair to its natural state I heard many naturalistas reference shower head filters, so I decided to invest in my hair & skin.  I did have to wait to get it installed, but I’m washing today.  It connects directly to the pipe and your shower head attaches to the filter.  I can’t wait to see the end result with my hair because my skin immediately noticed the difference. (Home Depot).
I started with my normal diy moisturizing pre-poo filled with yogurt, mayonnaise, 2 eggs, and peppermint & tea tree oil (for my scalp).  The weather is starting to change, and I’m starting to do more swimming so I must take a little extra care of my mane during the process.  I do wear a swimming cap every time I swim, but I’ll probably won’t wear anything when I swim in an ocean filled with minerals on an exotic island.  Good Lawd, I can’t wait!!
After going through my normal wash routine, I used my DIY conditioner/detangler as my leave-in conditioner, and moisturized with some Moisturize Me.  I didn’t want to take my twists out but I promised some curly girls at my nail salon some samples, and they hadn’t seen my hair out yet. Overall I was pleased with the twist-out, but I don’t like my definition this small.
Immediately after my nail appointment, I was heading to volunteer.  I volunteer for a couple of places throughout the community.  When I was back east, I cooked and coordinated it myself but had help with serving.  However, I’m the help now which takes a lot of responsibility off my back.  When I walked in I saw two ladies with amazing twist-outs which I complimented immediately.  Ironically, they said they liked my hair and wanted theirs like mine.  Lol, it’s funny how us naturalistas want each others hairstyles, but don’t realize our own is poppin too!  I love seeing more and more Black women complimenting and encouraging each other.  That’s what it’s all about people!
Volunteering is on of the highlights of my week.  The woman in charge of the ‘Harvest Program’ is an 80 year young woman.  I ride with her to drop off the to-go meals.  This woman is absolutely amazing and I want to be like her when I grow up!  I encourage the younger generation to get involved in your community and give back.  Many of us don’t have extra money to give anyone, but your time is just as good.  Let your love vibrate people.  Until next time……Shauntay


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