"He Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You" (View at your Own Discretion)

Peace, Joy, and Love to All,

This post may not be for everyone but I can talk about how invasive, and serious my surgery was until I turn blue in the face, but humans visualize so seeing it is totally different.  The below picture was 16 days post surgery at my first post-op appointment.  Seeing the instruments in my back, yet not feeling that constant chronic pain amazed me that I gave my surgeon a hug as soon as he walked into the room.  Yes, he has awards on the wall the year I was born, but once he took the time to listen to everything I had to say and answer my questions, I was on board with the surgery, and I'm so happy that God used him to do a great job!  #WalkingMiracle

At this appointment, x-ray's were taken to see exactly what was done, and my 23-25 (lost count) staples were removed.  Oh, and I was told to lose my walker; I listened so well that I almost left it in the exam room and haven't used it since.  : )  I was amazed, correction I am amazed at what's in there and how much better I feel.
This was the best decision I made; I knew because God opened every locked door to get this done.  We've been fighting this (my insurance company) to pay my medical bills for at least 2 years, yet I paid my premium.  I finally said, God if it's meant for me to get this surgery you'll open the door, and that's exactly what he did-blew it right open!  For what?  So he'll get the Glory, because I will forever praise, worship, and tell the world who/how he did it.  Especially in my book that I'll be writing, this is one of my short term (5 year) goals; gotta get all the "juicy" details in while it's fresh.  : )
One may not understand my spiritual connection with my creator because guess what, it's my connection not anyone else's.  This thing is personal & spiritual!  He was there when I was out for 6 hours under anesthesia.  Friends & family can be there all the time but they don't feel what you feel; they empathize.  They aren't there when the pain seems like it's going to take you out of this world.  I've seen miracles right before my eyes, and know what he's done for me thru this storm, but also know that God is a restorer. 

The surgery I underwent is Decompression Disc Fusion on two levels L-4 L-5, L-5 S-1.  This is by far the most invasive surgery one can go through.  A 6 hour long surgery serious enough for me to update my will.  Also, one of the hardest challenges I've been through in my life so far; l I know having my twins (yes, I'm claiming them) will not be a walk in the park unless God has mercy on me because an epidural is out!  In this back?  I was told by one of the doctors that the anesthesiologist puts the epidural into the area/vicinity of the surgery.  Really?!!  I guess I'll be thugging it out, and doing it natural because I don't want any needles even looking at my back!  I had to literally laugh out loud, a needle looking at your back Shauntay; yes, I'm that serious.  I do believe if you plan and prepare your body by working out, and being active before any trauma (surgery, childbirth, etc.) that you know you'll be going through, you can help your body not to go into shock when it happens.  It'll definitely help in your recovery.
Getting the most invasive surgery ever, but waking up feeling like a bionic woman has my mind blown. I'm 35 and God has given/still giving me an awesome testimony and I'm going to tell it.  Why?  Because, so many of our people are afraid to step out on faith, go to the doctor, get a physical, take an HIV test, get a surgery that's needed, etc., and end up dead or knocking at death's door.  That's why!  We need to start being advocates for our own LIVES, not just for your health, but for your bills, children's education, and day to day life.  I advocate for others when they can't advocate for themselves; I believe that's what God says about being thy brother/sister keeper.
To God be the glory for healing my body quicker than I could've ever imagined. Once I started trusting him wholeheartedly, he opened doors that NO man can close.  Dealing with chronic pain but smiling through it lets me know that God was carrying me, like in the footprints portrait.  Can you imagine what's ahead of me since I got a little relief, and once this back is fully healed it's full speed ahead?  My wound is healing nicely though per every doctor who've seen it.

I'm forever grateful that God brought me out my happy go jolly self giving compliments and smiling, happy & peaceful most of the time but NOT PERFECT.  Now, I'm not fully out of the woods because PT will be in my life for a while, thank God.  But at the least the hardest part is over, and the rest is up to me.  I knew I wasn't by myself when I was under the anesthesia, God said, he'll never leave me nor will I forsake you.

Note:  This is a Joke.  However, I do think my surgeon left a little "f*(k it" screw in me because I haven't used foul language in a long time.  In the past before my spiritual connection with God, I awoke one day and decided not to cuss anymore after using foul language like a sailor.  So now that the words won't stop coming out of my mouth startles me.  Especially since I told a nurse not to judge me if I awoke cussing from the excruciating pain I was anticipating.

It didn't start until I had to aggressively advocate my recovery, in the hospital, in the rehab, and in this world.  At least it's for something that MATTERS!  You know, real issues!  Working out is  away for me to release my emotions, and once my physical therapy starts I'll stop cussing again because my therapist don't play.  Yup.  I'm praying about it, but so many things has happened in the past 30 days that, if cussing is how I'm dealing with it then, it is what it is; I could be doing a lot worse!  Seriously, you'll never know what a person can be going through; I just know that this too shall pass.
Until next time.....Shauntay


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