Wash Day ~ Texture Shot

Hello World,
Every now and again, one should pamper themselves by doing something good for the mind & body.  I mixed things up with my wash and even threw in a detox bath.  They both left me feeling amazingly rejuvenated afterwards.  I slept like a baby!
This time, for my usual oil rinse I saturated my strands with black & grape seed oil.  Black Seed oil has been known to boost the overall health of hair and as I massaged it in, it showed.  However, I didn't want to use all of it for an oil rinse, so I added some grape seed oil too.  I then sat under the dryer for 10 minutes to open my hair follicles, and rinsed.  The top left picture is after I washed the oils out.  Not only was my hair shining, it also detangled my hair which made my wash process much easier, well until the end.
For my co-wash, I chose to use some Organix Moroccan Argan Oil conditioner, but ended up mixing it with As I Am Coconut Co-wash conditioner.  After rinsing that out, I finished up with my Apple Cider Vinegar rinse.  Yes, I'm back to my ACV rinse once a month!  All of these pictures were taken before my deep conditioning, and that is how much my hair shed during the whole process (the bottom right picture).  My hair has never been this healthy and those curls are tightly coiled.

I then deep conditioned with a mixture of coconut oil, honey (natural humectant), and an egg.  I don't usually have any problems using  coconut oil, but because I rinse with cold water the coconut oil solidified on my hair.  This made my hair hard which left me rinsing for a while; but thank God it was only coconut oil.  After it was all washed out, I applied As I Am Leave-in conditioner, Moisturize Me, Grow Me (Oil), and braided medium sections to stretch my hair.  The incident made my bath even more worth the while.

Detox baths will help your mind and body relax along with removing toxins at the same time.  Normally, I use Epsom salt to relax my muscles, but of course I was out, I used 1 cup of sea salt, 2 cups of baking soda, and about 20 drops of orange essential oil.  For more detox baths available for many ailments; click below for more:  http://bembu.com/detox-bath-recipes

Do you take detox baths?  What ingredients do you use?
Until next time......Shauntay



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