My Curly Afro

Hola Mundo,

Today, I took my bantu knots out and wore my curly afro.  I LOVE big hair and want it to get so big that people will look at it and say, "Look out!'  : )  It was finally dry and I wanted to see how the curls looked.  I love it and can see the definition of the knots, but I won't pull them apart as much next time.  The style will last longer too.  Natural gals know just how real it can get when we wear our hair out.  I love every minute of it though.  How about you?
For the takedown, I massaged some avocado oil into my hands when I took my knots down.  Now, don't ask me why I used an oil because I never do that, but I watched a YouTube video of taking down knots and said, "let me try that."  I don't like that my hair is so oily to the touch.  Knowing that if I use anything for the takedown, I use my Moisturize Me.  Lesson learned, if it isn't broke, don't fix it.
To preserve my style while I sleep, I put my hair in a loose, high ponytail and put on my bonnet.  The natural community calls it a pineapple.  It's a loose messy ponytail but my hair isn't even enough for a neat pineapple.  This'll preserve your curls without flattening them while you're asleep.  In the past I couldn't do this because my hair was too short, but I tried many of the small pineapples; they didn't work either.  I'll keep you updated on what it looks like when I take it down.  I'd like to get at least 2 hairstyles out of a twist or bantu style. 
Starting July 1st, I'm going to be doing a 30 day castor oil challenge.  If you're looking for thicker, fuller hair & growth, then join me these next 30 days.  Details will be in the next post.  Until next time.....


lizzi3marshall said…
Oh, how I love afros! Have you tried the chunky twist out? Since you love big hair, that’s just the perfect short natural hairstyle. ;)
Me too! I've tried them but they never come out cute enough to show anyone. : ) I'm definitely going to keep trying until I perfect them though. Thanks.

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