Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Life

Rise & Shine my King and Queens,

Last Monday, I had the honor of being at a street naming ceremony in my new community. Yes, it's to a street that leads to a parking lot of two stores, but it is a start.  This is why we must not give up the fight, "No Struggle No Progress" (says Dr. Umar Johnson).  The event started off with the ceremony then a march to the park for an afternoon of festivities.
It was supposed to be 72 degrees that day, but as you can see it was pretty chilly at 8am.  I wasn't going to let that stop me from celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his accomplishments.
Once we reached the park, it started to get warm.  The vendors were out and the music was playing. Being new to the area didn't stop me from networking; some people were new and some were people I met while volunteering.
At about 12pm, you can see the sun made her appearance.  I had plans to go swimming afterwards so I decided to head out of the park.  Of course, I got lost; the park is huge!  I asked a young man the way out, and he sent me on the other side of the park.  If it wasn't so beautiful over there I probably would've been upset. 
Sadly, I should've checked the local pool schedule because they closed at 1pm.  Can you not tell how happy I was with that information?  I was determined to get my exercise in so I took my frustration out on the elliptical machine.  We have a love/hate relationship; I love to hate on it, and it loves to give me back my curves.  All in all, learn how to channel your energy.

Until next time......Shauntay


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