Trim, Wash then Curl
Hello my curlies,
After my last wash, I trimmed my hair of those stringy ends and wore that twist out until this wash day which she’s in desperate need. I was a little anxious about this wash because I was finally able to try out that detangler mix from The Natural Sistas.
I started with my pre poo regimen:
I mixed 3 Tbs plain yogurt, an egg, rosemary oil, and castor oil. For the co wash, I tried the Tressemme 24 hr body and my go deep conditioner by The Mane Choice. My DIY detangler was the leave in, my Moisturize Me & Grow Me (Oil) was used to style. To get a little extra hold, Kinky Curly Custard was used to get the twist out to last a little longer.
I like to keep the nape of my head in a protective style like this flat twist head band. Yes, my edges front & back are stronger, but they aren’t as long as the rest.
I know, I know another bathroom shot, but they seem to have the best mirrors! The problem is….when your twist out is behaving so well, you want to share your progress. Practice makes perfect people. Until next time…..Shauntay