Another Marley Install

Hello my curlies,
I’m back!  Every now and again, I’d like to give my natural hair a break, and with this huge move I knew I wasn’t going to have time to do my hair.  So, I trusted my mane with this young queen who just graduated cosmetology school and is a great supporter of Naturals By Shauntay. I believe in giving individuals working towards their goals and accomplishing them chances, my crotchet Marley braids.
She installed the hair and did mini twists.  When I did my Marley install, I cut the hair in half to make it shorter, but I wanted to be daring this time & kept them long, big mistake.  It’s a lot of hair to maintain!! 
Getting in the car was the hardest because my bun was so high.  I’d have to press down on it to get in and out the car. The things women go through to enhance their beauty.  😒
I rocked my buns and updo’s since the install on November 2nd, even to my impromptu “Going Away” gathering.  When Manasseh (isn’t that name beautiful, it’s from the bible) installed the Marley hair, I asked her to add some Moisturize Me to it first for shine, which she did.  However, I forgot to rinse the hair with apple cider vinegar before the install but my scalp isn’t a problem.  I’m keeping her hydrated with my conditioner mix, Moisturize Me and Grow Me (Oil).
2 weeks later, it’s time for a trim.  I had to tone this hair down!  I took the twists out, detangled the hair with my fingers, brushed it out, and cut it to my liking.  It amazes me how much this hair looks like mine.  As I made bigger twists the more I noticed that the shine was still there without applying more product!  Thanks Moisturize Me!
While I was taking my mini twists out, I got a call from a friend who wanted to see if I wanted company. 😳 “Of course I do,” was my response, but my hair wasn’t even half way done!  I was elated that I’d be seeing a familiar face after being here for only two weeks, and knowing they just wanted to check up on me in my new environment made my heart smile.  God knows exactly what we need.  Can’t you tell by my smile?!  They flew across the country into a different time zone to stay the night, literally and was greeted with a warm welcome.  Until next time……Shauntay


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