Off to Jamaica
Peace & Blessings Everyone,
When Naturals By Shauntay was just a thought, I knew I wanted her to be available in small businesses around the world, and with God's help it will happen in my travels. However, things take time and I have to be patient, but continue to work towards making that goal a reality.

3 months ago, a supporter of Naturals By Shauntay started using Moisturize Me on her edges, and boy's hair. She was so pleased with the results that she restocked herself, and is taking an extra jar to Jamaica to share with her little sister. I quickly thought, Shauntay, here's a great time to advertise more products in another country. So, I gave her a Butter Me (a body butter for face & skin), and a conditioner mix also.
I'm so grateful for every opportunity to love this thing called life and spread LOVE instead of HATE. Until next time.....Shauntay