Stay in Your Joy
Hola mis amigos,
I follow a blog called 'In my Joi' and I felt like that title worked best for this post. No matter what life throws at you, never let anyone steal your joy! Even on this gloomy, rainy day driving around with an aching back, I blow kisses as the negativity, bye bye. Don't worry be happy, and just keep swimming. Yes, I know I put two songs together, but it fit. : )
For my hair: I washed my hair last night (marley & my natural hair) with the diluted (1-2oz conditioner & 4-6oz water) Cantu Hydrating Conditioner in the shower, with warm water. I know I started off using cold water, but my hair detangles and likes warm water better so I'm listening to her. I washed in 4 sections, focusing on my natural hair first then the Marley hair. I left her air dry and then proceeded to twist small/medium sections using Moisturize Me (White Mango).

Kiss the nonsense goodbye if it does you no good. Until next time.....Shauntay