“An Uncommon Seed Will Always Create an Uncommon Harvest”
Grace & Peace Unto You,
Recently, I participated in an African tribute for Black History Month on youth Sunday at a local church I attend. I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage the people there but more importantly, the youth. Sometimes, they’re forgotten about and treated like adults but they aren’t. I’d like to influence them to enjoy their youth because you’ll have plenty of time for grown up behavior. If you stay on the positive path, you’ll have the opportunity to really enjoy adulthood without the unnecessary hurdles.
For my hair:
I used Cantu Hydrating Conditioner for my co-wash and deep conditioning, followed by a clay wash, Kinky Curly Knot Today Leave-In, and finished with my Gel Me. I’ve been doing the Maximum Hydration Method which I’ll explain in further detail in an upcoming post. I flat twisted the back and sides to create an up-do for my speech. This is by far my best twist out ever. That shine is on 100, and I didn’t even use my Moisturize Me.
Thank you my Champagne Papi for recording the speech and capturing these great cherished moments. I love you to the moon and back! I can’t leave without thanking THE best stylist in the world! You keep me fresh. May God continue to bless you and everything you do and touch. I don’t always throw it on like this, but when I do I kill it!!

I hope this video encourages you to dream big, step out on faith, and pursue those dreams. Live your Life!! Until next time……Shauntay