Porosity Float Test

Hello my friends,
Have you ever wondered why your mane takes forever to 'get/feel' wet?  I've always felt like this but couldn't explain why.  I'd wash my hair and the water just didn't seem to be penetrating the hair.  Does everyone have to work this hard to get their hair wet, I thought?  Why was it so hard for my hair to retain moisture?  You'd be amazed at the findings.
Upon my research, I found a link on how to test the porosity of your hair.  The official definition of porosity per Google states:  Porosity is the quality of being porous, or full of tiny holes.  In reference to hair, we are talking about the opening of our hair shafts which determines the hair's ability to absorb and retain moisture.
The below link gives instructions on how to test the porosity of your hair:
For a picture demonstration of the hair shaft, click below:

I'm content with the products I use for my porosity hair type, and they're all on the list.  Until next time.....



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