Hola Mundo (Hello World),
As promised, here are the pictures of how I stretched, moisturized & styled my hair the next day. After Co-washing and applying AsIam leave in conditioner, I twisted medium sections using my hand-made moisturizer mix. This mix was geared towards moisturize and scalp treatment. My hair now holds moisture, keeps shine, and scalp feels amazing. What do you think?
My hair is dry in the top picture, but in order to achieve the bottom picture I had to wet my hair again. I dry my hair in sections to reduce shrinkage. The S word!!! : ) Naturalistas don’t like shrinkage!! We find ways to reduce it though. I usually mix water with oils (depending on my hair needs) to rewet my hair, but I decided to try something new. (Note: I never try to style my hair dry. I un-twist my hair with my moisturizer when its dry ONLY).
Instead of using water, I used Aloe Vera Juice and some oils to rewet my mane along with my moisturizer mix. OM Goodness, my curls popped with the juice mix which also detangled (Who knew)! The bottom picture was taken last minute because that was my last twist. They were coming out so perfect so quickly that I almost forgot to take a picture of the curls. This picture does those curls no justice! I will post pics of the final result when I take the twists out.
Stay tuned…..Shauntay |